Thinking Puzzles Easy as Pie Crosswords: Totally Easy!
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A collection of 72 fun and easy crosswords for a gentle mental challenge, brought to you by a crossword master.
If you think crosswords are too hard, that can only mean that you haven’t tried these yet! This 96-page puzzle book features 72 daily-size crosswords from top puzzlemakers, edited by the prolific puzzle pro Stanley Newman. Each puzzle has a theme, which means the longest answers are tied together in some way—giving solvers additional help. Perfect for beginners, pros looking to brush up on the basics, or anyone who just wants some breezy puzzles to relax with.
If you think crosswords are too hard, that can only mean that you haven’t tried these yet! This 96-page puzzle book features 72 daily-size crosswords from top puzzlemakers, edited by the prolific puzzle pro Stanley Newman. Each puzzle has a theme, which means the longest answers are tied together in some way—giving solvers additional help. Perfect for beginners, pros looking to brush up on the basics, or anyone who just wants some breezy puzzles to relax with.
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