Easter Candy at Tomfoolery

Spring is in the air!
The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, the last song has been sung at the Rodeo and everything is coming up Pastel!
Hippity Hoppin’ Easter’s on its way!

Tom and all the chickies at Tomfoolery Toys & Books have been eagerly hopping into Easter by fluffing the nest and pulling out ALL the cutest, squishiest plush (so many egg-dorable bunny varieties), sweet and silly books, must-have Easter accessories and whimsical toys and trinkets to help the Easter Bunny create the most magically charming custom baskets!

However, we all know the Holy Grail of the Easter basket…the candy! 

Who remembers the large panoramic Sugar Easter eggs that were too beautiful to eat? Those eggs, glittering in sugar flakes, are much harder to find these days but the Candy Department at Tomfoolery is Houston's Candy Store and is overflowing with ALL the Easter Candy to help you get your Sugar Rush on!  Do the peeps in your life crave sour sweets? From the Sour Patch eggs to the Nerd’s Candy Rope these candies, in their brightly colored hues, will look extra sweet tucked into Easter Grass! In fact the Confectionary Chicks in the Candy Department can help you select all sorts of unique sweet and sour treats to help line your baskets ~ all the slime, crazy sodas, flavored cotton candies (skittle!) and everything else imaginable that will tickle your Tribe’s tart taste buds!

Do you fancy the fancy chocolates? Stop by our display cases for gorgeous and scrumptious truffles that would look beautiful in a basket, as a hostess gift or as part of a dessert buffet.  How about a sweet Candy Charcuterie board? The truffles are available in traditional and fun flavors ~ Key Lime? Confetti? Showgirl? (white chocolate with strawberry and sugar crystals) that will elevate any candy celebration! In fact, we are considering Easter our perfect excuse to eat chocolate for every meal!

And finally, every Easter, at one household or another, an argument ensues about the proper way to eat a chocolate bunny. Do you nibble the ears first? 59% of us do…A recent survey found that, unsurprisingly, “traumatic amputations of confectionary rabbit ears appear to be seasonal in nature and associated with the Easter holiday.” The Candy Department at Tomfoolery Toys & Books can help you settle the debate once and for all with colorfully foiled little chocolate bunnies sprinkled throughout the store. 

houston easter candy chocolate bunny

So hop, jump or bounce into the best toy store in Houston for all things Easter to help fill your baskets with whimsy, joy and, oh yes, candy!  Shop the full Easter candy collection in the store or CLICK HERE to shop a portion of the collection online.